About The Founder

Learn about the passion, dedication, and inspirations that fueled the creation of our organic candle haven. Discover the personal touch that infuses each candle with a unique essence, reflecting the founder's commitment to crafting moments of tranquility. Join us in celebrating the spirit behind Samyas Scents—a tale of devotion to creating more than just candles, but an experience that lights up lives. Explore the story; meet the founder, and let the glow of inspiration unfold.

Hi I’m Samya !

In the tender years of my junior high school, at the age of 16, I embarked on the journey of building and nurturing Samyas Scents. With no guiding figure to look up to, I became both the architect of my dreams and the captain of my aspirations, crafting a path uniquely mine. I chose to invest half of my first paycheck into starting my candle business. The road was rugged, lessons were abundant, yet I steadfastly navigated through challenges, refusing to let any obstacle dim the glow of my entrepreneurial spirit. Balancing the demands of both business and school was a formidable feat, with trials and errors strewn across my path. Despite the weight on my shoulders, I persevered. Today, I proudly hold my diploma, the testament to my academic endeavors, alongside a candle business that stands as a testament to resilience and unwavering determination.

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